Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ask Lydia...

"Ask Lydia..."

I hope everyone is having a great New Year, full of style, grace, poise and common sense!

I'm back this month to bring up the topic of:

Now that I'm out of high school, a college graduate and on the prowl to join the rest of the working adults in American society, I realize an adult cannot and should not continue to dress as if they are still an adolescent. When going out on the town, possibly a night club, always strive to maintain professionalism. This doesn't mean roll out in a 3-piece black suit everywhere, it just means try and maintain a classy swagger of a young adult. Didn't President Obama quote the bible when he said, "It is now time to put away childish things?!"

HOWEVER, some of my peers have not gotten the memo...

Well I'm taking it upon myself to shed light on this epidemic...

booty billboard

Please just observe closely...

I know it's shocking.

NOW, I love all women ya'll are my sistas! Therefore I feel the need to keep Extra Stylishly Real.
First, I know she is just walking the streets of the city. Maybe she is going to the gym. Maybe she just has an affinity towards elastic waist pants! HOWEVER, absolutely do not advertise any huge labels or brand names on any articles of clothing if you are over the age of 18. Even if you feel the urge, its just not even a cute look anymore. Besides, didn't the booty billboard message pants go out of style in like 2003-2004?
If not I'm putting it to rest right now.

**If you are a female over the age of 21 you should not be concerned with the new jordans, nike, or reeboks that are coming out. Nor should you be wearing them to a night club, work, or any social function that doesn't include a treadmill.**

I am here to keep it Stylishly Real...

Lydia R. Scott